He Even Has Your Eyes (2016)

Comedy, Drama, General Film

Director: Lucien Jean-Baptiste

Writer(s): Marie-Françoise Colombani, Sébastien Mounier, Lucien Jean-Baptiste

Starring: Lucien Jean-Baptiste, Aïssa Maïga, Zabou Breitman, Vincent Elbaz, Michel Jonasz, Naidra Ayadi, Marie-Philomène Nga, Bass Dhem, Delphine Théodore, Marius Benchenafi, Mathéo Perard, Valérie Moreau, Grégoire Bonnet, Guillaume Faure, Sara Mortensen, Maïmouna Gueye, Sabine Pakora, Marie-Sohna Condé, Mariam Kaba, Leontina Fall, Yanig Samot, Sylvestre Amoussou, Laurence Oltuski, Ronsha La Meute, Jean Fornerod, Yann Papin, Guillaume Turin, Moanna Ferré, Gunther Germain, Abdelhamid Aktouche, Herrade Von Meier, Patrick Mimoun, Sandrine Bodenes, Christophe Favre, Sasha Crapanzano, Jessica Tougloh, François-Marie Nivon, Khaira Mahmoudi, Cédric Bouvier, Charlotte Le Douarec, Eva Krysthal, Gabriel Caffe, Othniel Lefebvre, Emilie Debranche, Eden Jean-Baptiste, Aurélien Debranche, Aaron Begusic, Sébastien Lozach, Manda Touré

Synopsis: In their mid-30s, Paul (French of Martinican descent) and Sali (French of Senegalese descent) are happily married and the proud new owners of their own florist’s store. The only cloud on their horizon is the long wait to adopt a child. Sali’s Senegalese parents, Mamita and Ousmane, even have a name ready for their future grandson: Lamine. Just when the couple have given up hope, the adoption agency calls with good news: despite the curious opposition of the infant’s case worker, Mrs. Millet, they have a baby boy for Paul and Sali! Their best friends, legal eagle Prune and stoner Manu, rally to make sure the house is ready, so the adoption will be approved. Paul and Sali’s new baby is six months old, he’s beautiful, he’s called Benjamin, he has lovely blue eyes… And he’s white!

Release Date: January 18, 2017 (France) | Length: 95 min | Genre: Comedy, Drama | MPAA Rating: NR

Note: Original Title “Il a déjà tes yeux”. I need to watch this film to better identify people.