Black Samson (1974)

Action, Drama, General Film, WDW

Director: Charles Bail

Writer(s): Daniel Cady (story), Warren Hamilton Jr. (screenplay)

Starring: Rockne Tarkington, William Smith, Connie Strickland, Carol Speed, Michael Payne, Joe Tornatore, Titos Vandis, Napoleon Whiting, John Alderman, Fred Scheiwiller, Ernest Robinson, Nick Dimitri, Ken Bell, Junero Jennings, Marvin Walters, Shelley St. Clair, Edgar Charles, Kenneth Crowe, Marilyn Joi, Marcello ‘Dino’ Davis, Howard ‘Candyman’ Robinson, Whitey Hughes, Erik Cord, Bob Herron, Alfred Shelly, Leonard P. Geer, Charlie Picerni, Jack Verbois, Bill Shannon, Hank Calia, Gene LeBell, , Phil Adams, Tommy J. Huff, Frank Orsatti, Tony Brubaker, Gary Johnson, Damu King, James Cousar, Keith Tarkington, De De Young, Connie Morgan, DeForest Covan, Ken Springs, Jake Vernon Porter, Terry Leonard, Peaches Jones, Bob Minor

Synopsis: Noble nightclub owner Samson does his best to keep his neighborhood clean of crime and drugs. When vicious mobster Johnny Nappa tries to muscle in on Samson’s territory, Samson takes a brave stand against Nappa and his flunkies.

Release Date: August 14, 1974 (USA) | Length: 88 min | Genre: Action, Drama | Certificate: R | Note(s): Warren Hamilton was credited as Alfred Salimar. I was not able to identify him either way. I would need to watch the film to better identify other cast members. A lot of the “actors” in this movie are stuntmen.