Life In Motion: An Unlikely Ballerina

Biography, Drama, General Film, Never Made

Missing Trailer

Director: Nzingha Stewart

Writer(s): Misty Copeland, Gregory Allen Howard

Starring: Unknown

Synopsis: The movie will chronicle Copeland’s rise from her poor and tumultuous beginnings – she only began ballet at the late age of 13 and found herself in the middle of a custodial struggle between her mother and the ballet teachers who were her legal guardians at the time – to becoming a cross-over star that has written books, appeared in movies and commercials, and a speaker.

Release Date: Unknown | Length: Unknown | Genre: Biography, Drama | MPAA Rating: Unknown | Note(s): There has been no update on this project since the Original announcement so I’m moving it to “Limbo”. Still no update so moving this title to “Never Made”.