Audrey Rose (1977)

Drama, Fantasy, General Film, Horror

Director: Robert Wise

Writer(s): Frank De Felitta (novel & screenplay)

Starring: Marsha Mason, Anthony Hopkins, John Beck, Susan Swift, Norman Lloyd, John Hillerman, Robert Walden, Philip Sterling, Ivy Jones, Stephen Pearlman, Aly Wassil, Mary Jackson, Richard Lawson, Tony Brande, Elizabeth Farley, Ruth Manning, Stanley Brock, David Wilson, David Fresco, Pat Corley, Eunice Christopher, Karen Anders, Hanns Manship, Bill Beutel

Synopsis: A stranger attempts to convince a happily married couple that their daughter is actually his daughter reincarnated.

Release Date: Unknown (USA) | Length: 113 min | Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Horror | MPAA Rating: Unknown

Note: There are a few people with speaking rolls that go uncredited in this film, like anchorman Bill Beutel. Below are other actors that I could not identify.
