Don’t Look Down (1998)

Drama, Horror, Made for TV, Mystery

Director: Larry Shaw

Writer(s): Unknown

Starring: Megan Ward, Billy Burke, Angela Moore, William MacDonald, Kate Robbins, Aaron Smolinski, Terry Kinney, Tara Spencer-Nairn, Bob Morrisey, Benz Antoine, Britt McKillip, Carly McKillip, Maria Herrera, John Treleaven, Klodyne Rodney, John Innes, Brent Sheppard, Dean Wray, Harris Allan, Lisa Marie Caruk, Zachary Lee

Synopsis: Carla’s sister accidentally falls off a cliff when the railing becomes loose while Carla’s boyfriend takes photos. She has a hard time getting over her death and keeps having visions of her sister yelling at her for not saving her. It seems that every time she gets next to a edge of a high area, she gets terrified. She then starts to take a class with other Acrophobiacs. Then the people in the group start getting killed one by one. She starts to suspect that someone wants her never to get over her fear and that the loose railing was meant for her.

Release Date: October 29, 1998 (USA) | Length: 90 min | Genre: Drama, Horror, Mystery | MPAA Rating: Unrated

Note: I didn’t find an English version of this trailer.