Free in Deed (2015)

Drama, General Film

Director: Jake Mahaffy

Writer(s): Jake Mahaffy

Starring: David Harewood, Edwina Findley Dickerson, Kathy Smith, Helen Bowman, RaJay Chandler, Alex Coker, Geoff Falk, Jan Falk, Porsha Ferguson, Kate Mobley, Lindsey Roberts, Rosalyn R. Ross, Preston Shannon, Jon W. Sparks, Prophetess Libra

Synopsis: Set in the distinctive world of storefront churches, and based on actual events, Free in Deed depicts one man’s attempts to perform a miracle. When a single mother brings her young boy to church for healing, this lonely Pentecostal minister is forced to confront the seemingly incurable illness of the child… and his own demons as well. The more he prays, the more things seem to spiral out of his control. READ REVIEW

Release Date: November 8, 2015 (USA) | Length: 100 min | Genre: Drama | MPAA Rating: NR

Note: Did not find DVD or stream of this movie. Prophetess Libra is not listed in the IMDB cast list but searching her name repeatedly brings up reference to her being in this film, including the above link to The Hollywood Reporters review of the film.