3 Knee Deep (2016)

Action, General Film

Director: William Lee

Writer(s): William Lee

Starring: Paisley Blackburn, Nan Bongiani, Sasha Brown, Cliff Cash, Monica Crumpler, Myra Zimmerman Grubbs, John Jonczy, Harlow Keith, Bill Koruna, J.E. Layne, Paula Lee, William Lee, Justin Lyon, E.K. Martin, Beyonca Moya, Jim Owens, Deb Perkins, Crystal Russell, Lyindaa Russell, Brittney Santiago, Donald Smith, Nadia Stahiv, Jeffrey Allen Stine, Abe Synthe, Thomas Tier, Michael Ventre, Tiki Von Synthe, Jenny Wallace, Doug Whitlatch, Angela D. Williams, Will Wreggelsworth

Synopsis: Six years ago a criminal mastermind hid one ton of cocaine in an abandoned warehouse. No one knows the location of the drugs except his violent sidekick and his beautiful but deadly girlfriend. Instead of giving up the stash to the cops or a rival gang, the criminal, a mysterious Jamaican named Ghost, takes his secret to prison. When he is kidnapped by a black box covert operative by the name of Cole (Bill Koruna), he escapes with the help of an FBI agent (Angela Williams). Now free on parole, Cole’s only goal is to get the cocaine, sell it, and disappear into a life of luxury. But his actions have been closely watched by the DEA, The Russian mob and bad guys alike, and everyone is interested in following the trail to the hidden hoard of coke.

Release Date: January 5, 2016 (USA) | Length: 90 min | Genre: Action | MPAA Rating: Unknown

Note: I need watch this film to better identify people.