Black & Privileged (2019)

Drama, Family, Made for TV

Director: Mark Harris

Writer(s): Mark Harris

Starring: Anah Ambuchi, Malcom Banks, Sarah Cigan, Tommy Corts, Rochelle Cowan, David Scott Crawford, Karaman Deema, Brely Evans, Harsh J. Gagoomal, Dawn Halfkenny, Simeon Henderson, Corey Hendrix, William L. Johnson, Kimia Khalvati, Rah Ki, Brandon Lavelle, Charles Malik, Khalidah Medlock, Rosalina Mota, Carl Anthony Payne II, Baldhead Phillips, Seasonne Rose, Ernest Shepard, Nadia Simms, Brian White, Cynda Williams

Synopsis: When low-income families move into a thriving black community in Chicago, they find themselves at odds with politicians to maintain their status. READ REVIEW

Release Date: July 2, 2019 (USA) | Length: 79 min | Genre: Drama, Family | MPAA Rating: TV-MA

Note: IMDB has the title listed at Black Privilege but Netflix’s title is “Black & Privileged”.