Chameleon Street (1989)

Comedy, Drama, General Film

Director: Wendell B. Harris Jr.

Writer(s): Wendell B. Harris Jr.

Starring: Wendell B. Harris Jr., Timothy Alvaro, Dave Barber, Marti Bowling, Alfred Bruce Bradley, Mano Breckenridge, Anthony Ennis, Amina Fakir, Maurice Givens, Anita Gordon, Gary Irwin, Davon Kiley, Dan Lawton, Angela Leslie, Paula McGee, Dimitri Muganias, Marty Smith, Shonda Thurman, Henry Watkins, Coleman Young, Bruce Giffin

Synopsis: William Douglas Street is bored with his life. Working for his father is getting to him, his wife wants more money, and he’s had enough. His solution is to re-invent himself. He becomes a chameleon, taking on whatever role suits the situation. From reporter to doctor to lawyer, he impersonates anyone he sees a need for and he can earn money being. The movie is based on the real people, William Douglas Street, Jr., and Erik Dupin.

Release Date: May 16, 1991 (Canada) | Length: 94 min | Genre: Comedy, Drama | Certificate: R | Note(s): Need to watch film again to identify unknown actors. Found a link to a new 4k trailer for this film.