Don’t Suck (2023)

Comedy, General Film, Horror

Director: RJ Collins

Writer(s): Rick D’Elia

Starring: Matt Rife, Jamie Kennedy, Ellen Hollman, Lauren Compton, Jimmie ‘JJ’ Walker, Maurice Compte, Scott ‘Carrot Top’ Thompson, Emelina Adams, Lisa Wilcox, Lauren Shaw, Russell Peters, Shanica Knowles, Brian Gross, Dionysio Basco, Elyssa Mai, Rick D’Elia, Jimmy Shubert, Alex Farnham, Rigan Machado, Randall J. Bacon, Julie Garcia-Briceno, Jennifer Penner, Lloyd Bryan Molander, Fia Johansson, Harry Basil, Markus Liedtke, Saray Morgan, Ross Campbell, Jay Davis, Paolo Cesar, Tamia Dow, Ryan Santwire, Brittany Hudson, Diana Alouise, Jenny Egidio, Kathleen Dunbar, Luis Perez, Derek Richards, Angel Ladao, Jake Taylor

Synopsis: Pete, a washed-up veteran comedian, must find an opener for his upcoming comedy tour. Pete is introduced to Ethan by his girlfriend Stephanie, who convinces him to take this young comedian on tour as his opener. Things start to take a wacky turn when Pete finds out Ethan is a vampire, and their tour goes from cheap motels, morning DJs, dive bars, and dinners to opening up for the Russell Peters special in Vegas. All while Ethan and Pete attempt to bridge the gap between being real and exploiting his vampirism.

Release Date: December 1, 2023 (USA) | Length: 100 min | Genre: Comedy, Horror | MPAA Rating: Unknown | Note(s): I wasn’t able to identify Brittany Hudson. Randall J. Bacon and Jesse Porter are producers on this project.