I Had a Bloody Good Time at House Harker (2016)

Comedy, General Film, Horror

Director: Clayton Cogswell

Writer(s): Noel Carroll, Clayton Cogswell, Jacob Givens, Derek Haugen

Starring: Derek Haugen, Jacob Givens, Noel Carroll, Whitney Moore, Arlan Godthaab, Nathan Lorch, Talya Carroll, Megan O’Neil, Peter Story, Nate Lane, Milena Ferreira, Morris Ruskin, Damian Beurer, Bentley Brehm, Clarence Campbell, Jaidyn Carroll, Owen Carroll, Gale Caswell, Clayton Cogswell, Heather Cogswell, Imogen Cogswell, Michelle Cogswell, Allen Cragin, Lori Cypher, Jon Enge, Keely Gelineau, Ewan Givens, Jamie Givens, Dominic Haugen, Mary Haugen, Jamie Houk, Augie Isaac, Joshua James, K. Spencer Jones, Sherry Larson, Howell Loobine, Phil Nohe, Caitlin O’Connor, Laura Owen, Jahdai Pickett, Nic Polcaro, Cezil Reed, Matthew Reedy, Cade Sarganis, Allyson Sereboff, Jayson Speters, Kelly Stadum, Alexandra Stafford, Joshua Stern, Richard Thoman, Anita Vora, Cody Ward, Dylan Fox Williams, Mikayla Williams

Synopsis: It’s been generations since the Harkers’ great-great grandfather killed Count Dracula. Now the Harker brothers and their best friend Ned are a town joke – until a real vampire turns up.

Release Date: October 13, 2017 (USA) | Length: 80 min | Genre: Comedy, Horror | MPAA Rating: NR